Special Services
Mission Statement
The Braintree Special Services Department is committed to providing students with disabilities with a free, appropriate public education in the least restrictive environment. Deliberately planned around our District Core Values and Mission Statement, learning opportunities are designed to meet students’ unique needs in the least restrictive environment.
Vision Statement
The Braintree Special Services Department seeks to assess students accurately to determine eligibility for special education, using data to drive eligibility determination and decision-making regarding Individual Education Program (IEP) development. The Department strives to ensure that each student’s IEP is appropriately ambitious, crafted to consider the student’s individual circumstances, and designed to enable each student the opportunity to work toward challenging objectives appropriate to the student’s individual needs.
Petra W Platt, EdD
Director of Special Services
Braintree Public Schools
Parent's Notice of Procedural Safeguards - English and Translated Versions
Contact Us
Main Number
781 848-4000
Petra W. Platt, EdD
Milo Wolfrun
Assistant Director - Elementary
Michael Bochman
Assistant Director - Secondary
Noreen Devlin
Administrative Assistant
Elizabeth Smyth
Administrative Assistant
CLICK HERE for more information on the summer ESY program dates and contact information.