East Project

East Middle School Upgrade

The Town of Braintree and Braintree Public Schools have been engaged for several years in developing a comprehensive plan to provide educationally sound, fiscally responsible solutions to upgrading our facilities.

By partnering with the MSBA to invest in a renovation and addition to East Middle School, the Braintree Public Schools is addressing several strategic goals:

5-8 Middle School Model Benefits

Expanded Programming

Expansion of programmatic opportunities to grade 5 students, such as world languages and technical education, which are currently part of the BPS middle school curriculum.

Increased Collaboration & Curriculum Coordination

Teaming and collaboration opportunities between grade 5 and 6 teachers. Stronger curricular and instructional coordination, sequencing and alignment among grades 5-8 through horizontal and vertical teaming within the schools.

Better Coordination of Specialized Services

Better coordination of specialized services for grade 5 students with special needs and ELL students through consolidated staffing and resources realized when providing supports in two buildings as opposed to six.

Enhanced Instructional Support

Enhanced instructional supports for individual students based on deeper understandings of who they are as learners over a four year period.

Improved Parental Involvement

Improved parental investment and involvement at our middle schools with the reduction of transitions and the inclusion of younger students and their families.

Improved Communications

Enhanced educator collegiality and improved communication/collaboration with staff and families.

MSBA Grant Timeline

Learn more about the MSBA grant program process

In accordance with requirements set forth from the Massachusetts School Building Authority (MSBA) and 963 CMR 2.00, the Town of Braintree has established a School Building Committee for Braintree Public Schools. The Committee was formed in accordance with the provisions of all applicable statutes, local charters, by-laws and agreements of the Town of Braintree.

Project Information


