Title IX

Notice / Dissemination / Posting Requirements

The amended 34 C.F.R. § 106.8 revises districts’ obligations regarding notice and dissemination of Title IX policies. K-12 school districts are required to provide notice of the nondiscrimination policy and grievance procedures, how to report sexual harassment, and how the district will respond, as well as of the Title IX coordinator’s name, title, and contact information, 12 to students, parents/guardians, unions, and applicants for admission or employment. The nondiscrimination policy and Title IX Coordinator information must also be “prominently displayed” on the district’s website and published in handbooks. n addition, all training materials used to train Title IX personnel must be posted on the district’s website.

Contact Us

Nora Vernazza

Assistant Superintendent /
Title IX Coordinator

781 380-0130 X8488

Ann Zopatti

Administrative Assistant to the Assistant Superintendent of Schools

781 794-8480