Our Program
Two Sessions
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday
Morning Session 7:50 a.m. to 10:20 a.m.
Afternoon Session 11:20 a.m. to 1:50 p.m.
Early release and half-days there is no afternoon session.
Our preschool follows the Little Treasures curriculum produced by the MacMillan Publishing Group. It is a great program that incorporates all of the Massachusetts Early Childhood Frameworks in all content areas with its focus on early literacy.
Classrooms incorporate Handwriting without Tears curriculum.
The Heggerty Phonemic Awareness Program is also used in our
4 year old Integrated classroom.
Content areas of our preschool include but are not limited to:
Fine Motor
Gross Motor
Language Arts
Phonological Awareness
Social Skills
Social Studies
These areas will be incorporated into our daily routine.
We are also focused on a social skills curriculum. This curriculum teaches classroom rules, understanding and coping with feelings as well as problem-solving skills.
Enrollment Information
To learn more about Preschool enrollment, tuition fees, waiting list, and withdrawals please visit our Preschool Registration Page
Parents should notify our school nurse at 781-848-4000 x 2296 if their child will be late or absent. Please call before your session start time on or before the day of absence. Please notify transportation companies if necessary.
Parents are welcome to park in the lot accessible by Leroy Junior Way in the back of the high school. There are a number of parking spots labeled "Pick Up" and "Drop Off" that are reserved especially for you! Please avoid parking in the fire lanes or near the building as this is the route for busing. Students will be greeted and dismissed at the following locations:
Door 17 on the hill
Door 18 near the tennis courts
Drop Off
Please arrive at or before 7:50 a.m. or 11:20 a.m. depending on your session start. If a classroom has already entered the building you will need to go the front of the building accessible by Town Street and check in at the security booth. Our security procedures require late entry through the front to ensure the safety of all students.
Drop off procedures typically go smoothest if parents give short and affectionate goodbyes, and depart when the teacher accept the student into the waiting line. If your child has difficulty separating, then do not hesitate to call or request a phone call to ensure that your child has transitioned into the program and has settled.
Pick Up
Please arrive at or before 10:20 a.m. or 1:50 p.m. depending on your session end. If you need to pick up your child before a session ends, then please notify the preschool staff and enter through the front of the building accessible by Town Street. If you experience an emergency and are not able to arrive on time, then please notify us at the preschool as soon as possible. At the preschool level, students tend to become distressed if they are not picked up on time as all of their friends leave.
Our policy is to begin contacting persons listed on the emergency contact card if a child is not picked up within 10 minutes without notice from the parent. Please list any alternative caregivers on the emergency card. We cannot release your child to anyone without your explicit permission.
In a special circumstance, please contact the program, identify the caregiver, and ask the caregiver to bring identification. We can release students to siblings that are at least 18 years old and have parent permission.
If your child's IEP requires transportation for preschool, Braintree will only transport from student's home address to school and from school to student's home address.
If your child's IEP requires transportation for preschool, Braintree will only transport from student's home address to school and from school to student's home address.
Cancellations & Dismissals
The Braintree Integrated Preschool follows the same holiday and vacation schedule as the Braintree Public School system. Please utilize the website for the most current school year calendar as snow days impact our school year end date. The Braintree Integrated Preschool uses the Rave Alert system to share information with families in voice and email format. If school is canceled it will be posted on local television channels, local radio stations, and on the Braintree Schools website.
If school is dismissed early due to inclement weather or other emergencies, then parents will be notified using the Rave Alert system via telephone. Students will be dismissed early in a typical manner during weather-related emergencies. If students must be dismissed for a non-weather related emergency, then they will be dismissed from the tennis courts in the back of the school. It is important for emergency contact cards to be updated in the case that we need to reach you urgently.
Emergency Procedures
In the unlikely event of an emergency, a qualified staff administers first aid care, calls the parent, and if necessary emergency medical personnel. Staff will accompany the child to the nearest hospital where emergency treatment is administered. The staff will remain with the child until the parent arrives. In the event neither parent can be reached, the child's physician will be contacted.
It is essential for parents to provide information on where they can be reached, physician name and phone number, signed emergency waivers, and updated emergency contacts and waivers. An accident report log is kept in the nurse's office with detailed information on any injury to a child. An incident report is kept in the log, in the child's file, and a copy given to the parent within 24 hours of an injury.
Safety Procedures
We practice fire drills, remain in the room, and lockdown ("dark and quiet") drills. The practice of these procedures is mandated by the state. We practice these activities without the intercom or alarms before the drill to ensure that students are comfortable with the procedure. If you have any questions, then please do not hesitate to contact me.
Wellness Policy
Children should not attend school if they are too sick to be comfortable at school or if they might spread a contagious illness to other children. Children should remain home for the following:
Contagious illness such as chicken pox, strep throat or flu
Frequent cough
Head lice or nits (eggs)
Pink, itchy, and/or drainage from the eyes
Temperature above 100F
Vomiting or diarrhea
Yellow-green, thick mucus from the nose
If children are dismissed from school for the above reasons, then they should remain out of school the following day. If you have any questions, then please do not hesitate to call the Preschool Nurse at 781-848-4000 x 2296.
Surgery or Medical Equipment
If your child undergoes a surgical procedure or requires adaptive medical equipment (e.g. cast, sling), then please notify the nurse. Recommendations and restrictions are required prior to your child returning to the program as we want to follow their doctor's orders and ensure we are doing the best that we can for their comfort and safety.
Classroom Essentials
Please send your child with a change of clothing in the classroom to keep at school. We play and create actively in preschool and extra clothing for your child is very helpful. If your child is not yet toilet trained, then please send in diapers and wipes.
Students participate in motor groups during the day. Students do best in comfortable clothing and shoes that allow them to climb, jump, and run. Students should wear warm clothing in the fall and winter as we access outside activities when the weather permits.
Please do your best to label all clothing items as our students are still working on identifying their belongings and we want to get all of your child's clothing home to you!
Students should bring a backpack that will accommodate a regular side folder to pass communication back and forth between the family and teacher. Full-size backpacks are sometimes too large to manage for preschool-size students. Please avoid backpacks that can be dragged or have wheels. Backpacks with wheels can become an obstacle for students who are working on maintaining attention and navigating spaces.
Snack & Drink
Students should bring a snack and a drink each day. Snacks should not require cooking and be nut-free. Due to specific and unpredictable food allergies, students do not share food. Some children have life-threatening food allergies so it is important that we adhere to the food policy.
Please do not send food for holiday celebrations as we are very committed to keeping each and every child food-safe. If your family receives Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits or may be income-eligible for free or reduced lunch, then please submit the Free and Reduced Lunch form and the Braintree Public Schools nutrition services will provide a healthy drink and snack.