Roof Project
School Roof Replacements
While we now do not need additions on our elementary schools due to our current middle school renovation projects, we do need to make facility renovations to the buildings to keep them in good operating condition for the students and staff.
We are currently completing a $10 million ESCO project to replace boilers, repair HVAC systems and controls, replace and improve lighting, and improve weatherization and insulation with six elementary schools, our kindergarten center and high school.
We now need to replace the roofs in five elementary schools and the roof and windows in the kindergarten center. From July 1, 2018 to January 14, 2020 the School District has spent almost $105,000 to repair elementary school roofs. The Highlands School roof had 5 visits totaling $23,934 in roof repairs. Additionally, the District must repair interior areas such as ceilings, paint, and carpeting due to roof leaks.
Estimated cost to replace school roofs will be $5 million.
Flaherty Elementary School - Roof built in 1992
Hollis Elementary School - Roof build in 1992
Morrison Elementary School - Roof built in 1992
Liberty Elementary School - Roof built in 1988
Highlands Elementary School - Roof built 1990
Monatiquot Kindergarten Center - Roof built 1992
MSBA Grant
The Town of Braintree and Braintree Public Schools have drafted a Statement of Interest (SOI) to submit in FY20 regarding the replacement of Highlands Elementary School roof. Learn more about the MSBA process.