East - PTO Bylaws

PTO Bylaws - East Middle School

Article I: The name of the organization shall be the East Middle School Parent Teacher Organization herein referred to as the PTO.

Article II: Mission Statement

The PTO is organized for the purpose of enhancing the educational experience of the students of East Middle School by supporting the principal, teachers and staff through communication, cooperative interactions and financial assistance for items or events not otherwise funded through the school budget, and by partnering with local businesses, when possible, to strengthen the relationship between school and community.

Article III: Policies Section 1: This organization may initiate action or cooperate with other organizations and agencies active in child welfare and may enter into membership with conference groups or coordinating councils uniting for child welfare. Examples may include but are not limited to: PIP – Parent Involvement Program and the BFFE – Braintree Fund for Education.

Section 2: This organization shall be non-commercial, nonsectarian and nonpartisan. No commercial enterprise and no candidate shall be endorsed by it. The name of the organization or its officers, in their official capacities, shall not be used in connection with a commercial concern or for any purpose other than the regular objectives of the organization.

Section 3: This organization shall not seek to direct the administrative activities of the school or to control its policies.

Section 4: All members of this organization shall act in the best interest of the PTO when on school property at East Middle School or any school related event.

Article IV: Membership Section 1: Membership in the PTO is guaranteed to all parents and guardians of children attending the East Middle School and to all teachers, staff and administrators of said school. Membership eligibility shall be without regard to race, color, creed, sex, religion, disability, age, or national origin.

Section 2: Members shall consider, then approve only by majority vote, any proposal set before the organization. Examples include but are not limited to: annual PTO budget; previously unbudgeted expenditures exceeding $500.00; and election of officers.

Article V: Executive Board Section 1: The executive board of the PTO shall consist of the President, Co-President and the school Principal.

Section 2: The executive board is the entity charged with the management and responsibility for the PTO and its holdings. Meetings of the executive board shall be held prior to the meetings of the organization.

Article VI: Officers and Elections

Section 1: The officers of the PTO shall consist of an elected President, Co-President, Secretary, Treasurer, and a School Advisory Representative. The term of Co-President shall be one year. That person will then serve as President the following school year, thereby providing experience and act as mentor to a newly elected Co-President. All other terms for elected positions will last two years. Each term begins on the first day of July and ends the last day of June.

Section 2: Elections of new officers will take place during the final PTO meeting of the school year. All parents/guardians and staff are eligible to vote in elections of officers. Nominations shall be sought for each resigning officer; however officers may extend their term if a replacement cannot be found.

Section 3: If the President should resign, the Co-President shall assume those duties. Nominations for a new Co-President shall be sought at the next regular PTO meeting. An election shall be held at the following meeting. Vacancies in other offices shall be filled by appointment of the executive board and the appointed officer shall serve for the balance of the unexpired term.

Article VII: Duties of Officers Section 1: The President and Co-President shall work with the school Principal to set an agenda for, and preside over, all meetings of the PTO. The President and Co-President shall draft all budgets, expenditures and activities of the PTO. The President has authority to sign checks and shall be a member ex-officio of all committees.

The President and Co-President shall appoint an individual to perform an informal audit of the Treasurer's accounts at the end of the school year. The designee must not currently hold an officer position, must not have held an officer position for one year prior to the audit, and had no direct fund-raising responsibilities within that year.

Section 2: The Treasurer, President and Co-President shall draft a budget at the beginning of the school year to be presented to and approved by a majority vote at the first PTO meeting of the school year. The Treasurer shall have authority to sign checks. The Treasurer shall receive all monies of the organization; keep an exact record of receipts and expenditures for the organization; pay out funds authorized by the PTO board; present a statement of account at every meeting of the organization; and submit records for audit at the end of the school year. In an emergency or under special circumstances, the President or Co-President may assume the Treasurer’s duties.

Section 3: The Secretary shall keep an accurate record of all meetings of the organization and conduct the correspondence of the organization. The Secretary shall provide a copy of the PTO by-laws to all newly elected PTO officers and to any member upon request.

Section 4: The School Advisory Representative shall be responsible for communicating with the superintendent and other school representatives regarding issues that affect all schools in the Braintree Public School system. These findings shall be reported to the PTO at the meeting following such communications. This position may have two representatives who have shared responsibilities.

Article VIII: Meetings 

Section 1: A general schedule of the meetings shall be available to everyone. Should the meeting date necessitate a change, the Executive Board must agree and notification of the next meeting date must be made to the PTO members.

Section 2: The regular meetings shall be open to the general public. The decisions of the PTO shall be made by a simple majority vote of those present.

Article IX: Committees Section 1: Committees shall be formed by the PTO, as needed, to promote the objectives and interests of the organization.

Section 2: Chairpersons of committees shall present plans of work to the PTO board for approval.

Section 3: The President and Treasurer must pre-approve any unbudgeted funds that committees want to spend.

Article X: AmendmentsThese by-laws may be amended at any regular meeting of the PTO by a majority vote of the members present and voting. Proposed amendments to these by-laws shall be distributed and available to members for a period of two weeks prior to a vote being taken.

Adopted December 2010